Introducing the SMART Selling Certification Series

The SMART Selling program has enjoyed wide success and launched sales careers for hundreds of sales professionals at blue chip organizations like IBM and Apple.

This web-based program marks the launch of an ambitious experiment based on the belief that we can actually exceed the benefit of the on-site seminar. The on-site seminar is expensive, and even well-funded blue-chip organizations cut costs. The on-site seminar must be delivered in its entirety over one three to five-day session. The cost of bringing an instructor on-site and pulling an entire sales team off the job is even more expensive. Concerns over cost pressures us to deliver a great deal over shorter and shorter periods. This undermines benefit. The eLearning course will allow learners to ponder new concepts, practice more, and absorb complex content deeper. Where practice is involved, you'll submit webcam video for peer and instructor feedback, and repeat that as often as desired. Practice/feedback loops are essential to new behavior development.

Unlike most corporate eLearning, this course leverages you, the learner. Even those with no formal sales experience have experience in selling. Everyone of us need to persuade others to hire us, marry us, or accept our novel approach. You'll be surprised to see how your insight can help others.

Another reason for excitement of this much-anticipated course is the community aspect. One additional important aspect of this series is the opportunity for you to connect with peers. We very much hope participants will use this series as a community of practice. We hope members will return again and again to ask questions, offer solutions, seek and give career support, share prospecting ideas, recruit and be recruited, and build professional relationships that will serve you for years to come.

Eight Steps to Certification

  • 1 Territory Planning
    Objective: Effective startegy and process for sales pileline development
  • 2 Open Doors (Prospecting)
    Objective: Concept, process, and behavior smoothing access to meaningful prospect dailogue
  • 3 Introducing the Buy/Sell Process
    Objective: High-level buy/sell process structure clarity
  • 4 Laying the Foundation
    Objective: Concept, process, and behavior for clarifying need and designing solutions
  • 5 Motivation for Change
    Objective: Concept, process, and behavior supporting essential buyer motivation
  • 6 Purchase Authority
    Objective: Concept, process, and behavior supporting authority access and validation
  • 7 Preparing the Close
    Objective: Concept, process, and behavior supporting sale specification agreement
  • 8 Completing the Sale
    Objective: Concept, process, and behavior supporting successful sale completion